Archive for December, 2011

The free flights to Japan is trashed.

If you can remember my post during October about the free round-trip tickets to Japan (If not, here it is), well that is now trashed according to the Japanese Tourism Agency (JTA).

was not approved as a governmental draft budget of FY 2012.

More here.

I was very disappointed when I heard this news in Japanprobe. As disappointing as it may sound lets just pass this misfortune and continue the support to the Japanese agency and most definitely the support for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami.


Yet, another year is ending. I just want to greet everyone a Happy Merry Christmas! And I hope you will continue to read my blog (`・ω・´)” . MAY YOU ALL HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS!!!


Japan’s Lolita Fashion

I stumbled upon a pretty lengthy but interesting article in Yahoo! Philippines. It talks about the very popular Lolita fashion in Japan. Here are parts of the article and of course if you want to read more about it, just click here.

Outlandish pannier skirts with layers of frilly lace; teenage girls with larger-than-life make-up; a dash of sexuality and lashings of Victoriana are the order of the day for Japan’s Lolita girls.

What began as a street fashion two decades ago as youngsters aped the doll-like European styles of baroque and rococo has morphed into a near mainstream movement, with dozens of offshoots.

I’m no fashion guru heck I’m not even entirely sure of what I’m wearing now matches but coming from a guy, I think the Lolita type clothes are attractive (^・ω・^ )

“This is definitely one of the latest trends in Japan’s fashion world,” said Akiko Shinoda, a director for the Japan Fashion Week Organisation, adding Lolitas appeared for the first time last year at the twice-a-year show.

“I think it will survive as one distinct category in Japan.”

The article had some pretty criticizing comments from readers but this part of the article is what I like the best.

But Imari Sato, 18, was more forgiving. “I think it’s fine to wear it as long as it makes you happy,” she said.

Kim Jong il is dead!

So the N.Korean leader died of a stroke Sunday on his way to visiting areas in his beloved state. The next heir is to be his son Kim Jong-un which is only in his late 20’s. Now, Japan is preparing or lets say the other Asian nation are preparing for the worst and hopeful that the death of Kim Jong-il’s death will not affect the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula. If you ask me, I don’t think his son (Kim Jong-un) will be capable of running a country and if that is true then the people who will be running are the Generals or the Commanders of their large military which can result into a coup. We will just have to wait and see. There was a game not so long ago that foretold that Kim Jong-il’s death will lead into a state of pretty much chaos everywhere. I’ll post this ‘Homefront’ trailer here. Though it seems farfetched, anything is possible.

If you want to read more articles click here and here. Both are Yahoo! news articles.

(picture is from Jprobe)

Rurouni Kenshin Live Action Update!

An news update for the Rurouni Kenshin fans out there. A trailer was just released and here it is. Releasing in August 25, 2012. I can’t wait



More Fun in Japan!

Having a bad day? Maybe this will brighten you up.. It did to me :]

Rurouni Kenshin Live Action Coming Soon!

I got great new for the Samurai X fans!! Releasing in August 25th, 2012 is the Live Action of Rurouni Kenshin. If you don’t know what that is, I suggest watching the anime plus the OVA. That’s it about this for now. Maybe more updates on this soon to come. For now, enjoy some pictures from :]

China urges navy to prepare!!

I was skimming through yahoo news and one the headlines talked about China beginning to prepare their navy for combat. I don’t know what to come up with after reading the article in which particularly states that any country in the world has the right to prepare their military for any form of threat.But, it also states that the U.S has no problem with China building their military power but to do it in a transparent way. So, now I am a bit confused what to come up with the article but one question comes to my mind. “Is this a new war?” I guess we will have to wait and find out. Ill update this blog with more news about this. Thanks for the time reading this post. Also new videos and random stuff on the way !!

\( ̄O ̄)

By the way, Ill post a video of China’s first aircraft carrier.

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December 2011


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