Archive for March, 2010

Sorry Sorry Sorry

Well, I have net at my house right now…. but its not dsl or cable connection…it’s one of those usb things where u plug it on the laptop/pc and “TADAAAAAA” you have internet….though this thing is handy while on the go.. it isnt what u want for a home internet…connection is very unstable and when in the evening, it is very very slow…so still bare me with me guys…I know I’ve said alot of “baring” and “sorrying” but still please stay with me…I’ll be returning to the U.S for a couple of weeks on april 10 so..hopefully ill gather as much as stuff to post by then…BUT ill still try to endure this piece of technology… Dont get me wrong, they have cable and DSL connections here in the Philippines..but since im living in a not my permanent place, i dont get whats the use of getting a real connection if im moving anyways…

so Thank you all for staying with me and your support ^__^

Fire Hose + Toilet = Super Washlet

A special episode of “Toribia no Izumi” aired on Japanese TV saturday night, performing several awesomely weird experiments. A viewer submitted a letter wanting to know how much blasting power a toilet washlet spray would have if replaced by a fire hose. Thanks to the cooperation of the Nara city fire department (and Nara mascot Sento-kun) they were able to conduct the test:

The child-sized dummy was thrown 13.7 meters. Such power would probably clean one’s butt pretty well, but inside a bathroom it would probably throw a person into a wall and cause serious injury.


The Hidden Dream

Just something interesting I found

This 60 minute documentary produced by Lilies and Ravens International ( portrays the little known history of America’s second largest immigrant group since 1990 Filipinos. Survivors of the infamous Bataan Death March and equally brutal Japanese prisoner of war camps share their memories of courage, torture and death. They speak with outrage of the Rescission Act of 1946 which denied them the benefits and recognition deserved as being part of the United States Army. Impassioned protests and political speeches eventually enabled the Rescission Act to itself be rescinded in 2008. The veterans, many of whom are in their 80s and 90s are dying at an alarming rate with many of their claims not yet realized.

This complex relationship with America continues today as Filipinos share their pride upon being sworn in as United States citizens while other Filipinos remain in the shadows fearing deportation. Today’s Filipino youth, the first generation to be primarily born in this country, relate their confusion at what it means to be Filipino and American as well as their frustration that the truths of The Hidden Dream have been hidden from them.


I finnaly got internet at the house so anytime soon, Ill be posting up new stuff…thank you for waiting..and I hope you enjoy the new stuff

more delays

it is now March and i still have not moved out =_=… because the people who still lives in the house im moving to still hasnt left the place… bare with me a little longer guys…Sorry for all this delays…

and again, i thank all of you who has been supporting my blog..please continue to visit and i assure you that i will bring more stuff SOOON

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About Onigiri

March 2010


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